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Udvartana (Sarvanga / Ardhanga / Ekanga)

“Udvartana” refers to moving something in an upward direction. During this treatment, dry, medicated powders are rubbed and massaged onto the body using upward strokes. There are 2 types of Udvartana Ruksha – referred to “Dry Powder Massage” & Snigdha – referred to “Paste Massage with Oil“.

The upward strokes and herbal powders help break down fat, improve circulation, eliminate toxins, enhance skin texture, stimulate the lymphatic system, and ignite digestion. At Herbal Hills Wellness Center, the therapy is customized based on your body type for optimal results.

Types Of Udvartana :-

1) Sarvanga Udvartana – Full body massage with medicated churna mixed with oil or without oil.
2) Ardhanga Udvartana – Half body massage with medicated churna mixed with oil or without oil.
3) Ekanga Udvartana – Local body part massage with medicated churna mixed with oil or without oil.


Procudure :-

Snigdha Udvartana/ Utsadana – Ayurvedic Powder/Paste Massage with Oil
1) To prepare the skin for the application of the herbal paste, this treatment starts by massaging warm herbal oils into the body.
2) Warm herbal paste is applied over the body in a fast upward direction

Ruksha Udvartana – Ayurvedic Powder Dry Massage
1) Warm herbal paste is applied over the body in a fast upward direction
This is a dry massage technique, thus we do not use any kind of herbal oil during the treatment Depending on the overall goal, a herbal steam is applied after udvartana therapy to enhance the benefits of detoxification.

Treatment Benefits

Supports Weight Loss
Removes Body Toxins
Activates Metabolism
Improve Skin Texture
Adds Muscle Tone
Eliminates Fats